Gravel Road Test Kit

The implementation of labour-based construction techniques is beneficial in that it creates opportunities and assists with the development of small contractors whilst upgrading the transportation network.
The performance of a gravel road is primarily a function of the material selected, as well as testing and control of constructed layer work. A field test kit to evaluate borrow materials for use as wearing course on unsealed roads and to ensure that the quality of the construction is appropriate, has been developed in conjunction with the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
The Field Gravel Road Test Kit allows materials grading, cohesion (liquid limit and linear shrinkage), compacted strength and aggregate strength of the borrow material to be determined. The thickness probe and RCCD in the kit ensure construction quality assurance. The kit is designed to make use of local water and solar energy (solar oven and calculator) and therefore does not require electricity and running water to be available. A manual describing the step-by-step test methods with result worksheets and practical guidelines is supplied with every kit.
Supplied with 3 pieces Shrinkage Moulds, Shrinkage Mould Plate, Drop cone apparatus and Thickness probe.
Canvas sheet for quartering sample, 5 test sieves with pan and cover (37.5, 26.5, 4.75, 2 and 0.425 mm),
2 stiff and 2 soft brushes, 5 pans, Steel rule, Spatula, Silicone spray and Water bottle should be ordered separately.