Pellet Press

Solid, high-quality pellets are an important precondition for reliable and meaningful XRF analysis. Pellet Presses are used for preparation of pellets for spectral analyses.
Can be used construction materials, metallurgy,geology, ceramicsplastics, environment, recycling, chemistry,glass, etc. fields.
The Pellet Press is a compact benchtop unit withparticularly simpleandsafeoperation. With a pressure force of 20 ton it is ideally suited forthe preparation of solidsamplesfor XRF analysis. Thepelletsproducedare of highquality andarecharacterizedbytheir highdegree of stability. 
Maximum pressure is 20 ton.
It offers precise loading with double-flow pump.
Pellet Press has 4-side closed Plexiglass Covers and Aluminum Frame.
Two models are available as Manual or Digital.
On the Manual Pellet Press; the piston pressure can be read off from the clearly visible manometer scale.
On the Digital Pellet Press; the measurements are carried out very precisely thanks to the Load cell.
Digital Pellet Press consists has a digital LCD screen which the load values can be read sensitively.

Pelet Mould is manufactured as Ø 40 mm from special tool-steel. Its entire surface is grinded and hardness is 60 HRC. Pelet Mould should be ordered separately.